Saturday, January 17, 2009

X-Men Origins...Good or Bad?

There has been a lot anticipation in regards to this movie.  In this movie we will discover where Wolverine came from and how he came to be.  The schedules release date is May 1st, 2009.  I think this will be very interesting movie to watch.  But with three x-men movies already out, will this effect the turn out for this movie?  Maybe three movies were enough.  What do you think?

click here for the trailer


  1. Honestly, I feel like three was enough. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the other movies, but when are they going to draw the line? Should be an interesting movie, but sometimes when they get this far in producing movies about a certain subject, they run out of juice. Do you think it will be not only interesting but well made?

  2. I disagree with Sammy i love super hero movies even the bad ones,(maybe not the first hulk, that was really bad) i cant wait to see how they will portray the story.

  3. Well at least we agree on something, scott! the first hulk WAS pretty bad :-p. Regardless how I feel about the new x-men movie, i'm sure i'll be seeing it at some point.

  4. Yea I agree with both of you on how bad the first hulk movie was. I believe Marvel has learned its lesson and is now beginning to make great comic book movie adaptations. The new X-Men movie does look really cool!

  5. Well, the really nice thing about the superhero movie industry is that there realizing that one, they can't do any more piss pore jobs that they have done in the past and two they are learning from their mistakes. I mean the good hulk with Edward Norton came out pretty soon after the crappy one. I don't know if many people have seen the original movies for Captain America (1990), The Punisher (1989) The Flash (1990) I mean these are some old movies that were absolute S***! So I will give them credit for a lot of the movies they have done so far. I will say that Sammy I do disagree with you, but I can see where you're coming from. Take a look at Batman, I mean those movies done in the 1990's were becoming so marketed. You had actors like George Clooney playing Batman and Gotham City was turned into a rave party what with all the damn neon lights. I mean it wasn't "Batman" any more it was "lets get the hottest actors and put them into tight tights and have them dance around". Because the first 2 movies had gotten really popular and then you had these dumb producers making these changes to try and bring a bigger fan base in but in the end just wound up losing their original fan base. So I think produces can take something good that could last and then turn it into what Sammy is saying. Now here's why I disagree with you on this one Sammy. In X-men origins you're going to see a lot of stuff that really hasn't even been talk about that much even in the comic book. The origin of Wolverine has always been some what of a mystery, so for those big comic book fans, I think they're going to wet their pants when they see this. Also there bringing in a lot of characters that have not been shown in the first 3 movies like Deadpool, Beak, Silver Fox and everyone's favorite Gambit! So yes it is somewhat of the same but really totally different.

  6. I'm anticipating this X-Men about Wolverine to be a success. I have grown up in a household with a father that is obsessed with comic books and the movies so I am well versed in most of the comics. I have not been let down yet by the movies that look at how the super hero came to be. I mean look at the Batman Begins movie. It was so cool to see where Batman came from and I think it will be exciting to see Wolverine's origins as well.
