Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The First Avenger: Captain America

After seeing the sweet cameo of Nick Fury (played by Samuel Jackson) in the movie Iron Man, I have been anxious for news on the new Avenger movie.  Apparently the new Captain America Movie is slated to release in summer 2011.  I have also learned that the movie will take place in the 1940's and focus on Cap's involvement in World War II.  Which is awesome! I can't wait! There has also been rumors who should take the lead role as Captain America.  But I believe we need someone raw and new that nobody has seen before.  This will help bring out the character more.  But the actor I would like to see in the role is...Paul Walker.
Who do you guys think would make a good Captain America?


  1. Yes i do i think he will be great. Do you know avenger line up for the movie ?

  2. Hmmm Captain America A? Well this movie can't be any worse then the 1990 one, that was just awful. But in doing some research I found that Joe Johnstone is going to be directing it?! I'm sorry but I have no faith in this person at all. As for who should be playing him, i'm not so sure about Paul Walker. He might have the face, but he would need to put on like 25 pounds of muscle for it.

  3. I hoping the avenger line up follows the same team in the comics. The line up consists of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Ant Man, and the wasp. I'm thinking the avengers will be battling the Incredible Hulk. This would be awesome! BUt I do agree Kevin, he would definitely have to bulk up and put a lot of muscle on to be even close to how strong Cap is.

  4. yeah i think he would look better if he was stronger, but im sure he knows that.

  5. I loved Iron man! I think Robert Downey Jr. did a great job in that movie, and when the setup for Avengers at the end, I flipped! Something about Paul Walker annoys me so I'm not sure if I would like him in role.
